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How To Hire New Remote Employees | Chad

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Whether you're looking for an independent contractor, a remote team member, or a full-time employee in


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How To Hire New Remote Employees | Chad

Hire employees in


, easily

   Whether you're looking for an independent contractor, a remote team member, or a full-time employee in


, Workpay can help. Say goodbye to worrying about local laws, complex tax systems or managing international payroll. We take care of it all in over 50 countries.

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Hire employees in
This is some text inside of a div block.
, hassle-free

With Workpay, your business can easily hire employees in


No more worrying about local laws, complex tax systems or
managing international payroll. Workpay takes care of everything
in 150+ countries.

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capital city
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
language spoken
This is some text inside of a div block.
payroll frequency
This is some text inside of a div block.
employer taxes
This is some text inside of a div block.
vat - standard rate
This is some text inside of a div block.
cost of living index
This is some text inside of a div block.
gdp - real growth rate
This is some text inside of a div block.
termination process
This is some text inside of a div block.
employee protections
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This is some text inside of a div block.


Chad has a population of 16.91 million and is ranked number 32 in Africa according to nominal GDP ($12.35 billion). Chad is a mixed economic system that relies heavily on subsistence farming and livestock.

capital city
Central African Franc (CFA)
language spoken
French/ Arabic
payroll frequency
employer taxes
16.5 %
vat - standard rate
cost of living index
Low ($541)
gdp - real growth rate
Per Capita: $ 614.47
termination process
employee protections

Public Holidays



01 Jan

08 Mar

10 April

22 April

23 April

01 May

29 June

11 Aug

27 Sept

01 Nov

28 Nov

01 Dec

25 Dec


New Years Day

International Women’s Day

Easter Monday


Korite Holiday

Labour Day


Independence Day

Prophet’s Birthday

All Saints Day

Republic Day

Freedom  and Democracy Day

Christmas Day

This is some text inside of a div block.

Minimum wage

The minimum wage in Chad is 59,995 Francs per month.

This is some text inside of a div block.

Payroll cycle

Cycle of Payments

Employees in Chad are usually paid on a monthly basis.

13th Paygrade
Bonuses are not mandatory for employers in Chad.

This is some text inside of a div block.


Work incomes (XAF*) Rates (%)
0 to 800,000 0
800,001 to 2,500,000  10
2,500,001 to 7,500,000 20
Above 7,500,000 30
This is some text inside of a div block.


In Chad, female employees are entitled to 14 weeks of half-paid maternity leave, paid through social security. Additionally, all-male employees are granted two weeks of paternity leave paid by the employer.

This is some text inside of a div block.

Termination process

In Chad, employees are entitled to severance pay in case of redundancy. The amount paid depends on the length of service, such that those who have worked 0-5 years are given 5.42 weeks of pay, and those who have worked for ten or more years are given 11.9 weeks of pay.

Notice Period

The notice period in Chad is dependent on the years an employee has worked in the organization. Such that the employees who have worked for at least five years are expected 8.67 weeks’ notice.

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Hire employees in


, hassle-free

With Workpay, your business can easily hire employees in


. No more worrying about local laws, complex tax systems or managing international payroll. Workpay takes care of everything in 50+ countries.

Book a discovery call
country featured image
capital city
Central African Franc (CFA)
language spoken
French/ Arabic
payroll frequency
employer taxes
16.5 %
vat - standard rate
cost of living index
Low ($541)
gdp - real growth rate
Per Capita: $ 614.47
termination process
employee protections


Chad has a population of 16.91 million and is ranked number 32 in Africa according to nominal GDP ($12.35 billion). Chad is a mixed economic system that relies heavily on subsistence farming and livestock.

Public Holidays


01 Jan

08 Mar

10 April

22 April

23 April

01 May

29 June

11 Aug

27 Sept

01 Nov

28 Nov

01 Dec

25 Dec


New Years Day

International Women’s Day

Easter Monday


Korite Holiday

Labour Day


Independence Day

Prophet’s Birthday

All Saints Day

Republic Day

Freedom  and Democracy Day

Christmas Day

Minimum wage

The minimum wage in Chad is 59,995 Francs per month.

Payroll cycle

Cycle of Payments

Employees in Chad are usually paid on a monthly basis.

13th Paygrade
Bonuses are not mandatory for employers in Chad.


Work incomes (XAF*) Rates (%)
0 to 800,000 0
800,001 to 2,500,000  10
2,500,001 to 7,500,000 20
Above 7,500,000 30


In Chad, female employees are entitled to 14 weeks of half-paid maternity leave, paid through social security. Additionally, all-male employees are granted two weeks of paternity leave paid by the employer.

Termination process

In Chad, employees are entitled to severance pay in case of redundancy. The amount paid depends on the length of service, such that those who have worked 0-5 years are given 5.42 weeks of pay, and those who have worked for ten or more years are given 11.9 weeks of pay.

Notice Period

The notice period in Chad is dependent on the years an employee has worked in the organization. Such that the employees who have worked for at least five years are expected 8.67 weeks’ notice.

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