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5 Secrets on How to Conduct a Virtual Job Interview in Kenya

A virtual job interview in Kenya is an important part of the hiring process.

June 1, 2020
min read
June 1, 2020
8 min read
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5 Secrets on How to Conduct a Virtual Job Interview in Kenya

A virtual job interview in Kenya is an important part of the hiring process. As organizations around the world are trying to prioritize the health and safety of their employees and community at large amid COVID-19, the talent acquisition departments are changing how they conduct job interviews. Many organizations are adjusting and transitioning to doing virtual job interviews in Kenya.

Here are 5 tips on how to conduct a virtual job interview:

1. Communication is the key

Communicate with your candidates on how the interview will be done. For example, if the interview will be conducted by video conferencing, then the candidate should be informed. Also, the talent acquisition team can send a simple guide to the candidates. The guide is to inform the candidates of things to prepare for before the virtual job interview in Kenya.

2. Test your Technology

There are a lot of reliable video conferencing tools in the market today. For example, Zoom, Skype,  Microsoft Teams, and Google Hangouts Meet.  Before doing a virtual job interview in Kenya, it is important to do a test run. Make sure you know how to work all the features of the tool that you choose to use for the interview. This is to ensure that things are functioning properly.  Similarly, inform your candidates to do a test run on their end.

3. Find a quiet, calm, and  non-distracting space

A virtual job interview in Kenya should be carried out with the same level of respect and professionalism just like the physical interviews. You need to find a quiet, and clean space, free of any distractions. This allows you to communicate clearly with the candidates without interruption. Most importantly, find a well-lit room where your candidate can see you clearly.

4. Test the candidates’ skills before interviewing them

Testing the candidates’ skills before the interview helps in accelerating interview productivity and reduces bias in the hiring process.  One can use skills-assessment tools to identify the strongest candidates. This saves time and certainly improves the quality of your hires.

5. Do a follow up

After the virtual job interview in Kenya, you can send your candidates a thank-you note for participating in the interview. Also, you can ask for feedback from them about the process. For instance, How did it go? What worked? What can be done better next time? This gives you a chance to make the necessary changes before holding another virtual interview in Kenya. In addition, do a followup in informing the candidate of the next steps. Let them know if they passed the interview or not.

Final Thoughts

The world of business has changed over the last couple of months. Although it might be a new trend that organizations might need to adapt, virtual job interviews are certainly convenient and cost-effective. Adequate preparation is key in conducting the interviews and ultimately hiring and retaining the right talent for your business.Is your business looking to remotely manage your employees effectively after hiring them?

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